

noun re·vise \ˈrē-ˌvīz, ri-ˈ\

Definition of REVISE

:  an act of revising :  revision
:  a printing proof that incorporates changes marked in a previous proof

First Known Use of REVISE


Other Printing Terms

epigraph, errata, leader, mechanical, notch, tittle, underscore, widow


verb re·vise \ri-ˈvīz\

: to make changes especially to correct or improve (something)

: to study (something) again


Full Definition of REVISE

transitive verb
a :  to look over again in order to correct or improve <revise a manuscript>
b British :  to study again :  review
a :  to make a new, amended, improved, or up-to-date version of <revise a dictionary>
b :  to provide with a new taxonomic arrangement <revising the alpine ferns>
intransitive verb
British :  review 1
re·vis·able \-ˈvī-zə-bəl\ adjective
re·vis·er or re·vi·sor \-ˈvī-zər\ noun

Origin of REVISE

Middle French reviser, from Latin revisere to look at again, frequentative of revidēre to see again, from re- + vidēre to see — more at wit
First Known Use: 1596

Synonym Discussion of REVISE

correct, rectify, emend, remedy, redress, amend, reform, revise mean to make right what is wrong. correct implies taking action to remove errors, faults, deviations, defects <correct your spelling>. rectify implies a more essential changing to make something right, just, or properly controlled or directed <rectify a misguided policy>. emend specifically implies correction of a text or manuscript <emend a text>. remedy implies removing or making harmless a cause of trouble, harm, or evil <set out to remedy the evils of the world>. redress implies making compensation or reparation for an unfairness, injustice, or imbalance <redress past social injustices>. amend, reform, revise imply an improving by making corrective changes, amend usually suggesting slight changes <amend a law>, reform implying drastic change <plans to reform the court system>, and revise suggesting a careful examination of something and the making of necessary changes <revise the schedule>.

correct, accurate, exact, precise, nice, right mean conforming to fact, standard, or truth. correct usually implies freedom from fault or error <correct answers> <socially correct dress>. accurate implies fidelity to fact or truth attained by exercise of care <an accurate description>. exact stresses a very strict agreement with fact, standard, or truth <exact measurements>. precise adds to exact an emphasis on sharpness of definition or delimitation <precise calibration>. nice stresses great precision and delicacy of adjustment or discrimination <makes nice distinctions>. right is close to correct but has a stronger positive emphasis on conformity to fact or truth rather than mere absence of error or fault <the right thing to do>.
REVISE[1] Defined for Kids


verb re·vise \ri-ˈvīz\

Definition of REVISE for Kids

:  to make changes that correct or improve <I revised my book report.>


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